1. If you open a window with a stringgadget, you can modify the IDCMP
- add there IDCMP_ACTIVATE.
If you have done this you can activate the stringgadget again, if
it was active before the window was deactivated.
2. Take care, that you'll get mostly no valid screenpointer for your
module, if it is called on DOpus startup (especially in WBR mode).
If you install a notify, use the screenpointer of the
"DN_OPUS_STARTUP" message instead.
3. You does not get in DOpus a really borderless window even if you
use the right (needed) flags... (no work around possible...)
4. Use only the matching routines to reply messages !
5. Before you start to code, you should really know exactly, what you
want to reach (how should it work). It will save a lot of work...
6. Try to test your module with the Enforcer before you make it public.
If you can not run it, because you have no MMU, search someone. If
you know nobody else, you may also ask Greg to ask a Beta tester of
DOpus, who can run it (, hopefully me too in the next time :), then
you may also ask me... ).
7. If you want to use for your own window the DOpus feature
"Mousebuttons over inactive button banks", you should do :
WindowID id; // must exist as long the window itself
if( (window_pointer = OpenWindow(...)) )
SetWindowID( window_pointer, &id, 0x1400, 0 );
This does work properly for all gadgets of your window. If you have
no gadgets and want to watch out for a simple mouse click on your
window (IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS) , see Chapter 3A for a simple workaround...
8. Do not forget to read also the ARexx related stuff, even if you want
to write a C program. Some things are more easily to do by using a
DOpus callback to send a ARexx command and the right command in than
doing all needed stuff itself in C.
9. It is always also a good idea to read the include files. You may find
there things which are not mentioned in the SDK (and here).